Chemical Mehndi Can Even Burn Your Hand ( it can cause skin cancer)

Chemical Mehndi Can Even Burn Your Hand ( it can cause skin cancer)

In : HEALTH AND FITNESS By storytimes About :-26 days ago

Chemical Mehndi Can Even Burn Your Hand 

Chemical Mehndi


Mehndi (Henna) is applied by Indian women as a tattoo during almost every festival and occasion that is celebrated during a wedding ceremony. Indian women love to flaunt her bridal mehndi and have a vast photoshoot for the mehndi ceremony. But is it safe? Can you trust the person who has got mehndi cone and applying that on your hand? Certainly, doubtful it is. As these days rather than using henna, these people apply chemicals that stay in your hand for a very short while and provide a dark color mehndi tattoo. 

Chemical Mehndi


Even renowned doctors are asking to be cautious about the chemical henna they use, as it not only causes swelling, rashes but also can leave lifelong scars on your hand that won't go that easily. The skin infection caused by these mehndi tattoos are very common among the people who have become the victim of this cheat. People should prefer natural henna than the synthetic one as they are very harmful. 

Chemical Mehndi


Few doctors have claimed that such mehndi can cause skin cancer as well and many cases have been seen. They have advised people to avoid such artificial mehndi and go for natural one. People should not apply mehndi on regular basis, it is not a thing that our skin is friendly too. Our skin needs to breathe through its pores and mehndi often block those pores when applied regularly.  

Chemical Mehndi


Tourist has a great craze for mehndi and at a place that is a tourist spot you'll definitely find a mehndi tattoo client providing his/her services, they never accept your mehndi cone and forcefully give use a pro and cons of mehndi they have. They always ensure that the one they use is the natural one and is incorrect consistency and would give beautiful color. Please be cautious about such people as they claim to be very authentic and real but aren't any. In case you'll be having any problem they'll not take any responsibility as well. But not all people are like that, with the bad we have good too. Trust but after being assured that the mehndi is natural and not synthetic. 

Chemical Mehndi Can Even Burn Your Hand ( it can cause skin cancer)