Truth Behind The Mystery of Flight 914

Truth Behind The Mystery of Flight 914

In : Travel By storytimes About :-1 month ago

Riddle Flight 914 The Plane Disappeared In 1955, Landed After 37 Years

An incident of time travel happened to have taken place in the year 1955 which took the entire nation by storm.flight 914 truth


History: Time Travel or a Mystery ?

It was 21st May 1992, at Caracas Venezuela where a contract plane has inadvertently landed, which was Pan America Flight 914 . The plane that had taken off on July 22, 1955. In any case, became mixed up amidst the way and gave no indications of any news or report. 

What's more, the Juan de la Corte , was the observer of the extraordinary episode. The telephonic correspondence that occurred between the pilot and the laborers has been recorded. He portrays the occurrence saying it was something stunning unordinary of the visual he has seen. He said that the plane landed looked exceptionally tough and obsolete, that it was not ready to catch in their radar framework. As though, this was a creation, made long years aback. Corte when gotten some information about the points of interest of the plane he affirmed that from his terrified voice he could figure something wasn't right. The pilot answered, that it is a contract plane Flight 914 with 4 team individuals and 57 travelers! Also, was implied, to achieve the goal Miami from New York. Furthermore, this leaves everybody dazed in the control room. 


flight 914 truth


Lost Plane Found After 37 years !

He at that point asked, the pilot, "Are you lost?" As the goal he has taken an end is 1800 kilometers in front of where he should arrive. He said it is Caracas Venezuela, South America. Yet at the same time with no authorization he tended to the pilot for arriving at their airplane terminal! 

It was at that point, when all the hussle and bothers happened. The associates of the control heard the pilot fascinating each other about the abnormality of nature. The pilot at that point asked them, where are we? What has happened? To which they answered, "The plane should arrive in Miami, at 9:55 and after that tended to them this is Caracas, Venezuela. Also, the day is 21st May,1992. 


flight 914 truth


What's more, after this the main thing the pilot was seen murmuring was ,"Oh My God! Goodness My God." De la Corte attempted his best to nerve down the pilot and said that they are sending the ground staff for their further settlement and help. With confirmation of the considerable number of reports of the travelers, they found that it were similar individuals that had boarded the prepare on 1955. Yet, one amazing part was, they never extremely matured in this previous 37 years, and this left everybody in the control room interested. 

What's more, exactly when the ground staff was at their achieve, the pilot flagged them to return and abstain from drawing close to them? He stated, "We are going once more!". Ground groups saw the scared face of the travelers pushed on the window. Furthermore, inside this quiet and surge, pilot dropped a little runway timetable, of the year 1955. Also, the plane took a turn back, never to return again. 


flight 914 truth


DISCOVER The "TRUTH" About (Flight 914)

As, the voice recording between the pilot and De la Corte, and the runway timetable of 1955 is the sole demonstrate it has been submitted to the separate leading group of specialists. 

This influences us to ponder and have faith in the hypothesis of TIME-ELAPSE or TIME TRAVEL. Some trust the story to be a joke and erroneously featured occasions, some trust it to be a time travel. While for some it's the matter of a 'Ground Full Of Riddles' as how the general population are the very same age as 37 years, how could they survive et cetera.

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Truth Behind The Mystery of Flight 914