Passport Book Number | The Complete Guide

Category : International By Sameer About :-6 months ago

Check out the complete Information of Passport Book Number

A passport is a most important document for every citizen in this world. The passport is issued by the country where you live and used to identify you when you travel to other countries as an identification document. But most of the time we saw a term ‘Passport book number’ or we can say Inventory Control Number that to be filled in the form while applying for the visa, see the below image.

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But many countries don’t issue this passport book number to the residents including India. So you may have or may have not that number. In this case, if you have this passport book number in your passport’s second page or the location of the number may vary according to your country, just fill that or just tick on the ‘Does Not Apply’ that is placed at the right side of passport book number as in Indian case. Just contact your passport office to get that number if your country issues that.

What is the MRZ number on a passport?

Nowadays many countries issuing the MRZ Passport or simply we can say E-Passport for their residents to simplify the process and to make the passport machine readable. MRZ referred to Machine Readable Zone, which is placed at the bottom of the passport’s first page and these passports are also called as Machine Readable Passport (MRP).

Where is the passport book number on a Nigerian passport?

passport book number

The passport book number in Nigerian passport placed at the upper right corner of the passport as you can see at the above image. This passport book number will be the combination of the one letter and eight digits.

Are the passport book and card number the same?

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No, the numbers are different as the passport cards are issued to the residents of the US as an identification document of US residents and can be used throughout the US but you can’t travel to other countries. These passport cards are valid to travel to Mexico, Canada, and other Caribbean islands. Where the passport book number is placed on the passport as an identification while traveling to other countries.

What is your passport number?

The passport number is the unique number that placed at the upper right corner of the passport’s first page and used to identify the person’s identity.

How many numbers are in a passport number?

The digits in a passport vary according to country but these are the combinations of the digits and characters.

What is the passport number India?

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Indian passport number follows the format “A12 34567” where the first digit is a character and the other seven digits are numerical.

How many digits is a British passport number?

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In British Passport the passport number consist the nine digits as you can see at the above image.

What is the MRZ code?

MRZ code is the unique number that reads the machine. This code is embedded to the Machine-readable zone that contains two rows of total 44 characters each. These rows are the combination of 0-9, A-Z and a filler character <.

The first row of the code contains the below format

passport book number

And the second row of the code contains the below format

passport book number

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Passport Book Number | The Complete Guide