What Is Texturizer and What Does It Do For Black Hair

What Is Texturizer and What Does It Do For Black Hair

In : Fashion By storytimes About :-7 years ago

Numerous ladies who choose to progress from loose hair to characteristic hair get baffled sooner or later, especially on the off chance that they don't trim the greater part of their permed bolts off on the double. In any case, even ladies who do the "enormous hack" can locate their regular hair hard to work with now and again.

Think about this: If you've had prepared hair for as far back as you can recall, that is what you're accustomed to styling once a day, so regular hair can take some getting used to.

Be that as it may, is a texturizer extremely the appropriate response?


Are Texturizers a Good Way to Transition to Natural Hair?

On the off chance that your inevitable objective is to be free of surface adjusting chemicals, at that point stay away from texturizers as your hair becomes out. Texturizers do extricate your twist design, however, they are chemicals, paying little mind to what number of alleged normal fixings are recorded on the case.

Consider a texturizer to be "relaxer lite." Relaxers are intended to totally fix the hair, while texturizers slacken twists, however as a general rule, they both contain the same rectifying fixings, either sodium hydroxide (lye) or calcium hydroxide (no-lye). What makes a texturizer appear to be less intense is the way that it's left on the hair for a shorter timeframe.


Texturizers do change your regular surface, and as long as you have any surface modifying chemicals in your tresses, your mane isn't 100% common. At times, a beautician may endeavor to talk you into getting a texturizer, more often than not through making your hair more "sensible," however figuring out how to acknowledge your surface (with its great and not all that great viewpoints) is a major piece of coming back to your common hair.

Hair Texturizers: When They Work Well versus When They Don't

Texturizers work much better and deliver more uniform outcomes on short hair, so in the event that you intend to do a short style and you feel the requirement for to a greater extent a wave design versus an Afro, a texturizer might be a decent alternative. Your hair will be persistently trimmed, enabling you to dispose of harm and not stress such a great amount of coordinating your new development to beforehand handled hair.

What Is Texturizer and What Does It Do For Black Hair