Top 50 Most Densely Populated Cities in the World

London: The capital city of England / The Great Britain / The United Kingdom sometimes called The Square Mile due to its geography 1.12 square miles (2.9 square kilometres)


London: The capital city of England / The Great Britain / The United Kingdom sometimes called The Square Mile due to its geography 1.12 square miles (2.9 square kilometres)

England, country of THE GREAT BRITAIN or call it the United Kingdom. London, the capital city of the UK. This country sure has some magic or magnet you can say because this is one of the top ranked “Most Densely Populated City” in the world. The first thing that comes to our mind after listening to this beautiful city name is “London Eye”, a very popular travel destination of millions of people. The reasons for this exorbitant population, ranking on the one of Most Populated Cities in the World are many like good economy, tourism, art, architectural structures, popularity due to cinema world, fashion industry and the list can be unending.

Population: Approximately 9.30 million as per / UN’s World Urbanization Prospect in 1572 square kilometres




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